Tuesday, 29 November 2016

What do you get for the person who has...nothing?!

So it's happening. Age is creeping up on us. Himself is turning the big 4-0 next month and I have no idea what to get him. What do you get for the man who has….nothing?!
Since our eldest child was born more than six years ago, pretty much everything we have has been spent on something to do with the children. I know loads of parents who are in the same boat. We rarely buy clothes for ourselves anymore and nights out or trips as a couple are a rarity. In fact, a night away without the kids has happened once over the past six years. Even Christmases and birthday presents for each other have been foregone in favour of doing something as a family or using the money to get something for the kids.
So far from not knowing what to get for him for his special birthday because he already has everything, I'm bamboozled as to what to get because there's so much that he does need. So here, I've come up with a gift guide for anyone else in the same boat: who's shopping for someone who's been neglected gift wise for a long time. Here's a bunch of stuff I know he'd love. Now, what to choose?

  • A pair of brogues from Loake Shoemakes. He already has a pair from about seven years ago and they've seen better days. He's lived in them and worn them with everything and even had them re-soled locally a few times. (Though I've since learned you can send them back to the factory to be re-soled.) Loake have recently opened their first Irish store on Wicklow Street in Dublin and it's pretty much shoe heaven for men who like quality, classic and beautiful shoes. Surely a new pair of these would see him right until his 50th?! There are loads of different styles to choose from if you check outwww.loake.co.uk and the Dublin store is open seven days per week. 

  • A watch. He hasn't worn a watch for as long as I've known him but there's something sophisticated and stylish about a classic timepiece. It really does dress up an outfit and it's much better than having to rely on your phone to tell the time - especially as his seems to constantly be conked. I really like this watch by TOLD &  Co, and the fact that it's designed by an Irishman (former Munster rugby player Tomas O'Leary) is nice. http://www.toldandco.com/watches/tc15-white-face-gold-case-with-brown-leather-strap.html

  • A night away is always good because it'd be a present for me as well! I love the sound of Monart as a special adult getaway because there are no children allowed. No, I haven't suddenly gone anti-children, but if we're going to treat ourselves to a luxurious night away sans little ones, it'd be nice to not have to look at other people's kids while we're at it.www.monart.ie

  • A new coffee machine. The one we have is older than our first born and has been giving bother of late. I love the look of the bean to cup machines from De'Longhi - they seem fool proof and look like they'd make a cracking cuppa http://www.delonghi.com/en-gb/products/coffee/coffee-makers/automatic-coffee-makers/dinamica-ecam-35075s-r132215053

What do you reckon? Do you have any more ideas of stuff that would be suitable for someone's 40th? I'd love to hear them!


  1. How about you get him a couple of bricks for the lids of your rubbish bins. It just might stop all your trash blowing around the estate and prevent the crows spreading your waste about.

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